Litter Box Designs for Special Needs

If you have a special-needs rabbit; one who has a disability or is older and cannot easily access a typcial litter box, these special low-entry or custom made boxes can be just the thing to help your bunny retain her litter box skills.

A Simple Cut-Down Litter Box

The easiest solution can often be just cutting-down the side of an ordinary, rectangular litter box.  Be sure to cover the cut edges with cord cover, a heavy tape, or some thing to prevent bunny from being cut or scraped.

This allows rabbits to access the litter box more easily when they are stiff and sore, or have mobility problems.

Low-entry Dog Litter Box

These can be harder to find these days as manufacturers have stopped making them.  Caretakers of disabled rabbits are having to get more creative to find replacements for these boxes.  If you can get your hands on one, hang onto it!  They are scarce, but they work very well. UPDATE: These boxes are now available for sale at the SDHRS Bunny Supply Store at 4807 Mercury Street, Suite A, SD 92111.  Store items can only be made online for pick up or shipping via our online store at:

Purina Second Nature dog litter box
Purina “Second Nature” large-size dog litter box.  This is show with a pelleted litter material in it but you can use anything.  These are great for larger rabbits or bonded pairs.

Table Top Potting Containers

These new containers work just like a low-entry litter box and have been helpful those with older rabbits or bunnies who need a lower entry to step into the box instead of hop over a tall side.  These are available to purchase on Amazon.  Remember to shop through and choose San Diego Companion Rabbit Society as your nonprofit organization to benefit from your puchases.

Potting Container for Litter box

For housing setup and ideas for special needs (disabled) bunnies, visit