
Does My Rabbit Need Baths? 

No. Rabbits are self-cleaning like cats and do not need baths. In fact, they generally find them very stressful. If absolutely necessary (a poopy butt for example) it is better to just do a “spot cleaning” of the area that is dirty rather than subjecting a rabbit to the stress of bathing. Rabbits are very sensitive to fluctuations in body temperature, so be cautious. It is best to avoid bathing altogether.

How often does my rabbit need a nail trim?

Give your rabbit a toe nail clipping every 8-10 weeks with a cat clipper . (Rex rabbits have less fur padding on their feet and may need more frequent trims). The smallest cat or dog nail clippers work best.  Also, have product like “Kwik Stop” styptic pads or powder nearby if you happen to cut the “quick.” It can stop the bleeding fast.  If the nail is dark, use a flashlight to see the quick and clip carefully.   Rabbits adopted through Lucky Bunny get complimentary nail trims. Ask us for details. Caution: Nails that are allowed to get too long can snag and be completely ripped out of the foot, or cause broken toes. We see this quite frequently. It’s painful and totally avoidable!

scissors  nail  nail2
Rabbit with broken toe

What kind of comb/brush works best? 

While rabbits, like cats, are “self-cleaning”, they absolutely need regular combing to remove loose hair.  Rabbits can NOT throw up hairballs and rely on your help to prevent them.  While shedding happens at all times, periods of molting are far more severe and this is when it’s imperative that you comb your bunny daily.   Matting can occur with longer-haired rabbits and should never be cut with scissors.  ASK US FOR HELP!!


Hairbuster Comb

brush2  wire brush not

Combs tend to work far better than wire brushes. While rabbits have thick fur, the underlying skin is very sensitive and easily injured. Wire brushes are too harsh for the skin and rarely capture the loose fur, but rather slide right through. Combs with bristles that are closer together work best for shorter haired rabbits, while those with longer hair may need bristles further apart. Shedding combs, with two rows of teeth, are great for combing out the “top coat” that is shedding, while allowing the new under coat to grow out.  The “Hairbuster Comb” is a favorite of bunny lovers across the U.S.

